Month: July 2019

Are you scared to leave your corporate job ?

Recently I made this decision. Left my day job at senior management of top tier company of Azerbaijan, Azercell Telecom. Yes, I jumped off from plane with half parachute, while betting on building a parachute and a better realization of my wishes on the way. Why half parachute ? Since, did not left while accepting another offer, but, did it betting on myself and running for future.
It is true that this is not easy decision and I know that many more professional people still hesitate or scared of this decision. Writing this post I am looking forward to share my own experience and hoping to help those who are in transition or thinking seriously about next life challenge. I am still 1-2 weeks into the new transition stage, but, hopefully will share more over time to help people to make this transition much more successful.

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Why corporate MUST become digital ?

Yes, it is true. Half of the most successful US companies are now gone. Reason is digitalization wave , but, I’ll mention something more than the term itself. It is, the speed of realization of different world and adopting to it as quickly as possible. This is what is critical. To see, understand and adapt for changing environment for corporate benefit. Half of most successful companies in US could not make it. They are now out of big boys league.

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Corporate life

5 myths about corporate life

Thanks to my friends who motivated me again to consistently write my blog. Thank you dears ! I used to be a bit demotivated with the fact that there is low level of engagement in the business related subjects. You know it, it is much easier to get attention if you write about “not smart” […]

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