About Imran Baghirov

18+ years expertise in IT, Strategy, Business Development, Innovation and Customer Experience Management
8+ years of experience Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Investments

Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Lotfi Zadeh Technology Center – Coworking, Acceleration, Investments
Radio Host – Texnopolis – Weekly live technology program.
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt ;
Data Science lover ;
Corporate Innovation Management ;
Entrepreneur ;
Mentor to startups ;

Total of 2 years of international full time job experiences in Sweden, Turkey and Nepal.

Co-founder and Managing Director of Lotfi Zadeh Technology Center – Biggest Tech hub in Azerbaijan.
Manager of Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, the first Startup incubator in Azerbaijan. Today with several offices , more than 20 events and more than 100k engagements in a year.
Founder and CEO at IBMS Solutions (Intelligence Business Management Studio) business consultancy company helping businesses to become lean, defect free and armed with analytical CRM.

Run more than150+ local business projects and 5+ cross-border/multi-company projects. Latest international project is Analytical Competence Building project, run in 8 countries and consisting of 30+ team members in different countries ;

Main principles:
* Strong alignment to business ethical code ;
* Building trust and facilitating team work ;
* Creative & innovative approach to problem solving ;
* Factual, data-driven decision making ;
* Time to market is first priority ;
* Organized process flow while problem solving ;
* Getting into the shoes of customers ;

Experience in short:
Entrepreneurship & Consultancy management – 9+ years
Innovation management – 9 years ;
Customer Experience/Channels management – 2 year ;
Strategy and Business development – 5 years ;
Marketing – Business Intelligence / Advanced Analytics – 5+ years ;
Marketing – Pricing and Product management – 4 years experience ;
Finance – Investment Banking – 2.5 years experience ;
ICT – Development/System administration – 2.5 years experience ;